What is the Land address?
West Of Cromford Road, Langley Mill, Nottingham, Derbyshire, NG16 3RY
Where is the Land located?
Langley Mill is a large village in the Amber Valley district of Derbyshire situated 1.4 miles west of Eastwood, 5.7 miles south of Ripley and 5.8 miles north of Ilkeston.
The land for sale is situated on the eastern periphery of Langley Mills with access via the Industrial Estate on Hall Road (off Cromford Road). To the east of the site lies the A610 and the First Panettoni Nottingham 26 Business Park with occupiers to include Amazon and Hermes.
The site is registered under Title DY361386 and comprises a parcel of grassland which enjoys frontage onto both the River Erewash and Cromford Canal.
The site is offers for sale as a whole and could potentially be suitable for purchasers with agricultural, equestrian, woodland or conservation interests.
How has the accommodation been measured?
The site has been measured using OS mapping. Note aerial photo outlining the site is indicative and should not be relied up. Please refer to the title plan within the data room on the OMEETO webstie.
The site is allocated under policy EN14 - Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation and lies within a Flood zone 3.
How is the accommodation offered?
Site for sale with vacant possession.
£120,000 Guide price. All figures are quoted exclusive of VAT, we are advised the property is not registered for VAT.
What are the viewing arrangements
Unaccompanied roadside viewings are possible.