Development land Sold Land At, Sawley Crossing, London Road, Shardlow, Derby

DE72 2HN

£172,500 for the Freehold (please check the VAT status)

0.50 Acres (0.20 Hectares)

Commercial Land - Sold - please contact the office to discuss your requirement.
Site plan
Commercial Land - Sold

Why choose Land At, Sawley Crossing, London Road, Shardlow, Derby DE72 2HN? - Sold

  • Sale: £172,500 for the Freehold (please check the VAT status)
  • 0.50 Acres (0.20 Hectares)

  • Offered with joint auctioneers SDL Auctions
  • Auction date Thursday 26th August 2021 lot 60
  • PP for 5 industrial units 6,800 sq ft GIA
  • West of The Aldi Regional Distribution Centre
  • Situated at J1 of A50
  • 1.5 miles north of Castle Donington
  • 2.4 miles from J24 M1
  • 4.5 Miles from East Midlands Airport

Where is the Development land located?

The site is superbly situated at the north quadrant of Junction 1 of the A50, set below the road level and accessed via the B5010 / London Road. The site is close to a range of major commercial occupiers and with excellent commuter links.

The Aldi Regional Distribution Centre is located at the same junction of the A50. Local amenities and the Trent Lane Industrial Estate are situated 1.5 miles south at Castle Donington.

EMA is 4.5 miles to the south. J24 of the M1 Motorway is 2.4 miles southeast.

What does the Development land comprise?

For sale by SDL Auction Thursday 26th August 2021. Exciting opportunity at J1 A50. Planning for a 5 unit scheme with 25 parking spaces as detailed below;

Units 1 - 4: 976 sq ft floor plate + 400 sq ft mezz (1,376 sq ft total).

Unit 5: 956 sq ft floor plate + 344 sq ft mezz (1,300 sq ft total).

It is the opinion of the agent STP the site may be suited to an owner occupier looking to build a singe detached block of c10,000 sf ft.

We are advised remediation works have been undertaken to include removal of the former filling station tanks.

How has the Development land been measured?

The site has been measured using OS mapping. The proposed accommodation has been measured on a Gross Internal Area (GIA) from Architect plans. Interested parties are advised the site was formally a petrol filling station.

What has the property been used for?

By way of a planning permission referenced 18/01115/FUL the site benefits from consent for the erection of 5 industrial units (use class B1c) and associated parking. By way of a planning permission referenced 19/01823/NMA permission was granted for alterations to the design and proposed materials of the above scheme.

In respect of the Planning Conditions are advised:
1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9 and 13 are compliance or PD conditions and do not require discharging.
5, 6, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16 and 17 have been discharged.
10 is to be discharged on commencement of construction.

Further enquiries should be directed to the agent or the planning team at North West Leicestershire District Council.

The site in in flood zone FZ 3.

Are there Utilities?

It is understood that new electric connections are required. A quote for the electric has been obtained from Western Power at £31,000. There is a septic tank onsite for foul water.

How is the property offered?


Site for sale with joint auctioneers the Auction date being Thursday 26th August 2021. Interested parties must register with SDL to bid. £172,500 guide price.

How much is the Price?

£172,500 for the Freehold. All figures are quoted exclusive of VAT, we are advised the property is registered for VAT which is applicable at the prevailing rate.

What are the viewing arrangements?

Unaccompanied roadside viewings are possible.

Info Pack

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Particulars Updated



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Site for sale Site for sale

Important Notice

  1. Omeeto are not authorised to make or give any representations or warranties in relation to the property either here or elsewhere, either on their own behalf or on behalf of their client or otherwise. They assume no responsibility for any statement that may be made by word of mouth or in writing.
  2. These particulars do not form part of any offer or contract and “information” must not be relied upon as statements, representations or facts.
  3. All measurements, areas and distances are approximate and for guidance. All descriptions, conditions, permission for use and occupations should not be relied upon and it should not be assumed that the property has all necessary planning, building regulation or other consents. Services, equipment and facilities etc have not been tested. Any interested party must satisfy themselves on these matters by inspection, independent advice or otherwise.
  4. Photos, video’s, virtual tours etc show only certain parts of the property as they appeared at the time of inspection.

Map data ©OpenStreetMap contributors.

Map showing location of property

Important Notice

  1. Omeeto are not authorised to make or give any representations or warranties in relation to the property either here or elsewhere, either on their own behalf or on behalf of their client or otherwise. They assume no responsibility for any statement that may be made by word of mouth or in writing.
  2. These particulars do not form part of any offer or contract and “information” must not be relied upon as statements, representations or facts.
  3. All measurements, areas and distances are approximate and for guidance. All descriptions, conditions, permission for use and occupations should not be relied upon and it should not be assumed that the property has all necessary planning, building regulation or other consents. Services, equipment and facilities etc have not been tested. Any interested party must satisfy themselves on these matters by inspection, independent advice or otherwise.
  4. Photos, video’s, virtual tours etc show only certain parts of the property as they appeared at the time of inspection.

Map data ©OpenStreetMap contributors.

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