Land Sold Woodland, Lady Martin Drive, Loughborough

LE12 8WX

£150,000 Guide price (please check the VAT status)

1.00 Acres (0.40 Hectares)

Land - Sold - please contact the office to discuss your requirement.
Woodland for Sale

Why choose Woodland, Lady Martin Drive, Loughborough LE12 8WX? - Sold

  • Sale: £150,000 Guide price (please check the VAT status)
  • 1.0 Acres (0.40 Hectares)

  • Mature Woodland and Lawn
  • Situated within gated executive home development
  • In Charnwood Forest
  • By informal tender - bids by 12 noon 4th April
  • Potentially suitable for outdoor / recreational use
  • Other uses STP

Where is the Land located?

Woodhouse Eaves is a highly regarded village in Charnwood Forest, Leicestershire. The land for sale is situated on Lady Martin Drive, a private road servicing a gated development of 8 luxury homes.

Lady Martin Drive accessed off Brand Hill and is within walking distance (0.5 miles) of Woodhouse Eaves village centre. Within the village are many local facilities including shops, public houses, nursery, café, hourly bus service, SPAR convenience store, post office and pharmacy. The land is in the catchment area for Woodhouse Eaves St Paul's Church of England Primary School (rated outstanding).

What does the Land comprise?

Well established mature wood and land for sale on the award wining Lady Martin Drive, residential development. The development was built on the former Zachery Merton Hospital and now comprises of eight superb, architect designed, exclusive dwellings.

It should be noted Lady Martin Drive is a gated development, the purchaser shall be granted access rights over the private road. Inspections prior to purchase should be roadside from Brand Hill.

How has the Land been measured?

The woods have been measured from OS online maps.

What has the property been used for?

The Charnwood Borough Council, Local Plan identifies the land as Countryside (Policy C1) and within the Woodhouse Eaves Conservation area. Existing trees and woodland may be protected. Parties must confirm the planning position by taking independent advice.

Are there Utilities?

We are not aware of services being connected to the site. Services may be available for connection in Lady Martin Drive or from Brand Hill. Buyers must rely on their own investigations.

How is the property offered?


Woodlands for sale freehold. The site is to be sold by informal tender with purchasers invited to submit offers in writing by 12 noon 4th April 2024. Offers should be sent in writing by email to and should include; Purchaser contact details, Solicitor details, advice on timing, proof of funds / finance and detail any conditions. Unconditional / cash offers preferred.

How much is the Price?

£150,000 Guide price. All figures are quoted exclusive of VAT, we are advised the property is not VAT registered.

What are the viewing arrangements?

Roadside inspections are possible. OMEETO do not take any responsibility for any loss or injury caused whilst carrying out a site visit.

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Any offer accepted is subject to completing AML checks.

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Private estate Woodland

Important Notice

  1. Omeeto are not authorised to make or give any representations or warranties in relation to the property either here or elsewhere, either on their own behalf or on behalf of their client or otherwise. They assume no responsibility for any statement that may be made by word of mouth or in writing.
  2. These particulars do not form part of any offer or contract and “information” must not be relied upon as statements, representations or facts.
  3. All measurements, areas and distances are approximate and for guidance. All descriptions, conditions, permission for use and occupations should not be relied upon and it should not be assumed that the property has all necessary planning, building regulation or other consents. Services, equipment and facilities etc have not been tested. Any interested party must satisfy themselves on these matters by inspection, independent advice or otherwise.
  4. Photos, video’s, virtual tours etc show only certain parts of the property as they appeared at the time of inspection.

Map data ©OpenStreetMap contributors.

Map showing location of property

Important Notice

  1. Omeeto are not authorised to make or give any representations or warranties in relation to the property either here or elsewhere, either on their own behalf or on behalf of their client or otherwise. They assume no responsibility for any statement that may be made by word of mouth or in writing.
  2. These particulars do not form part of any offer or contract and “information” must not be relied upon as statements, representations or facts.
  3. All measurements, areas and distances are approximate and for guidance. All descriptions, conditions, permission for use and occupations should not be relied upon and it should not be assumed that the property has all necessary planning, building regulation or other consents. Services, equipment and facilities etc have not been tested. Any interested party must satisfy themselves on these matters by inspection, independent advice or otherwise.
  4. Photos, video’s, virtual tours etc show only certain parts of the property as they appeared at the time of inspection.

Map data ©OpenStreetMap contributors.

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